GS Trading Corporation


We Take Pride In Being A Leading Provider Of Ht (High Tension) Line Materials. With A Legacy Of Innovation And Reliability, We Offer A Comprehensive Range Of High-quality Components For Electrical Power Transmission.

Our Values


We believe safety is a fudnamental value that promotes well beings and minimizes risk.


We believe respect is a crucial value that fosters understanding and consioderation for others


We believe TEAMWORK is a valuable principle that enhances collaboration and achieves shared goals


We believe HONESTY is a foundational value that builds trust and fosters transparent communication


We believe INTEGRITY a commitment to honesty and moral principles, is essential for trust and credibility

About Us

A One-stop Solution, Providing A Comprehensive Range Of High Tension (ht) And Low Tension (It) Line Materials, Al Conveniently Available Under One Roof.

Our Commitment

Our Commitment At G.S. Trading Co. Is To Consistently Provide High-quality Ht And Lt Line Materials, Meeting Or Exceeding Customer Expectations. 


At G.S. Trading Co., we envision becoming a globally recognized leader in the supply of high-quality HT and LT line materials.
Our Products

Power Conductors & Accesories

Our extensive range of power conductors is meticulously engineered to deliver optimal performance, ensuring efficient and reliable electrical transmission.
Our Products

Cables & accesories

Our extensive range of power conductors is meticulously engineered to deliver optimal performance, ensuring efficient and reliable electrical transmission.

Ready to elevate your power distribution systems with the assurance of reliability and safety?

Take the first step towards a powerful future by reaching out to us today.

Let's illuminate possibilities and energize success in your electrical endeavors.

Embark on a journey of innovation and efficiency with our premium electrical solutions. Our commitment is to illuminate the vast possibilities within your projects and energize them for unparalleled success. Trust us to empower your electrical endeavors with reliability, safety, and a vision for a brighter, sustainable future.
Our Products


Our extensive range of power conductors is meticulously engineered to deliver optimal performance, ensuring efficient and reliable electrical transmission.